Find best quotes about aim that keep you focus and help you to achieve goal.
These best quotes about aim keeps you motivated towards your goal.
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Best quotes about aim.

Obstacle makes you strong and confident when you walk towards aim.
When person do not know his aim then no path is a right path.
Keep your aim high and not low where you can reach easily.
How far one can go depends on risk which one can ready to take.
Do not just stand still even you’re on the right path.,
The aim of the ego is be something and not to only see something.
Money is a strange thing. who haven’t got it, aim for it, strongly and who have it, got troubles.
Not failure but low aim is crime.
Direction and not intention determines your destination.
Winning is important but want to win is more important.

In achieving aim, perseverance is more important than achieving aim.
The aim of progress is more important than aim of victory.
It’s better to laugh at yourself than to doubt at yourself.
Having an aim you can achieve best.
The aim of education should not be only in gaining knowledge but in applying knowledge.
When you aim for the sky and you’ll reach the ceiling. And when you aim for the ceiling and you’ll stay on the floor.
Big ambitions leads to big results
Great ambitions have purposes, rest have wishes.
Give up the good to be the best.
Ambition is the path and persistence is the vehicle.
Knowledge without ambition is a bird without wings.
Ambition quotes that motivates you:
We all are on the ground, but some of us have ambition to touch the stars.
Outperform yourself.
Failure is nothing but delay in success as long as courage teaches ambition.
You can not finish unless you start.
End of ambition is start of happiness.
Ambition never satisfies anyone.
Ambition needs fight, ambition needs struggle.
Ambition and perseverance are two wings.
Stay away from people who try to depreciate your ambition.
Ambition has no end.
Ambition is life. Satisfaction is death.
ambition is the root of politics.

Focus Quotes.
Do not focus on results or you will never change, but If you focus on change results will change.
Focus on your strengths instead of your limitations.
Focus on your desire than your doubt.
The successful warrior is the average person, with laser sharp focus.
It’s better to focus your energies for finding answers than giving excuses.
Be like sun’s rays when focused, burns anything.
Being focused decides what you’re not going to do.
Discussion about problems creates problems and discussion about solution creates solutions.
Lack of focus and not lack of time, is the problem.
As you are more aware about yourself it becomes more easy to decide what is best for you.

Focus on answers and not on problems.
Focus on desire and not on fear.
You have to work hard to make it simple.
Do whatever you do but with intensity.
Focusing on one thing and doing it well takes you very far.
Being focus on few things makes you successful.
Good performance is the result of focus and concentration.
Instead of focusing on the circumstances that you cannot change, focus on the circumstances that you can change.
Focus on outputs and not on inputs.
See the opportunities, and not on the limitations.
Some of best focus quotes that improve your concentration:
Good performance is the result of focus and concentration.
A visionary person sees the essential point and leaves the rest.
Worrying is not concentrating.
You should not focus on why you can not do instead you should focus on why you can do.
Do not focus on solving nature’s mysteries but focus on solving problems with nature’s mysteries.
You can focus one’s mind with words.
It is better to focus on efforts rather than result of the efforts.
Narrow your focus and you will find you require less power.
Your attention determines the other people’s thinking.

Beautiful quotes about setting a goal:
Goals decides what you’re going to be.
Setting goals is the first action in turning dreams into reality.
Set the goal to touch the sky and not to the ceiling.
Discipline is the bridge between the goal and setting the goal.
The discipline and character building is more valuable than achievement of the goal.
Most of people fail, not for lack of ability, will power, brain or confidence but because of lack of discipline.
Decide what you want and think what you are ready to sacrifice and pay for it.
You can’t hit a target which you cannot see, and you cannot see a target which you do not have.
A goal is not always meant to be reached, it is something to aim at.
what you become by achieving your goals is more important than what you get by achieving your goals.

It is the life in your years that counts and not years in your life.
Interfere with what you can do and not with you can not do.
You lose your way if you lose your goal.
The tragedy of life lies in having no goals rather than not reaching to your goals.