Beautiful passion and affection quotes that makes you more passionate about your dreams.
Table of Contents
Best quotes about affection.

You can’t measure and describe affection in words.
Love is the basis of a life.
Self-interest is the enemy of affection.
Never regret if you have done sincerely.
Liking is better than interest.
Passion is the power that comes from focusing that excites you.
Desire takes you to the authentic self.
Your desire, faith and willing to work hard makes you successful.
A true attraction is that which burns your soul and that never be put out.
How much you want is important but how desperately you want is more important.
Nothing is as important as interest.
Desire is knowing your true potential.

Passion quotes that ignites your strength.
Chase your passion, and pension.
Never underestimate the power of enthusiasm.
Be curious
Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without desire.
Impossible turns to possible with great worship.
Make your desire your paycheck.
Your desire is your strength.
Find out your lust and it will take you to your purpose.
Go with your ambition and never ask if it’s realistic or not.
Follow your interest, follow it, Dream it and Live it.”
Be passionate about what you believe in.

The difference between good and great is liking.
The future lies in the hearts and minds.
Remember your ability is more than your will power.
Choose either pain of discipline or pain of excuse.
Everyone wants to do what the successful person do; but very few do what the successful person did to become successful.
Virtues and talents is worthless without willpower.
Winning is not everything, but want to win is.
Strong will destroys the difficulties.
Anything is possible with self-discipline.
Desire is the bridge that takes you to change.

Great quotes about willingness.
Dreams and ambition are powerful than facts and reality.
Devotion is who you are.
Will power is the greatest power.
You can feel the affection but you can’t measure the affection.
Eagerness to learn is important, but willingness to act on what you learn is difficult.
Road to success is full of struggle, full of obstacles and competitors. But open and clear road leads to failure.
The only thing that comes between you and your dream is your will.
Persistence is the Power of Will.
Willingness makes you confident.
The difference between a successful person and others is lack of will.
How eagerly you want is more important than how much you want.
Secret of happiness is willingness to choose life.
The difference between Good and the great is the zeal to sacrifice.
Will to give up is the main reason for lack of success.
Will to change is a strength
Willpower is will to do.
Freedom is the desire to do whatever you want.
will to keep trying is important and matters most.
Will to work hard separates successful people from the other ones
If you are weak in the strength then be strong by the will.
The most powerful weapon on earth is the soul on fire.
Live with liking.
Strong will stands between you and your dream.
Strong will is never greater than difficulties.
Willing makes you able.
Willpower is strong will to do.
Freedom is the zest to do whatever you want.