Best Success quotes.
Most of the time success and money stays together.

Achievement is not just making money but happiness and fulfillment of desire.
Motivated people push on despite their failures.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

How you deal with failure determines how you will achieve goal.
It takes real courage to act in the face of fear.
saying yes to anything leads to disaster.

Winners are dreamers.
All you need is the plan, map and courage to reach destination.
Being a victim and blaming others gets you nowhere in life.

What you become by achieving your goals is important than what you get.
Fear is a powerful feeling that can stop people from taking action.
Accepting responsibility for everything in your life will make you a strong individual.

Victory is the sum of repeated and small efforts.
Never put others down to prove yourself better.
The more generous you are the more happier you are.

Every dream can come true if you have strong determination.
Don’t live unauthentic life by living like everyone.
A positive mindset and an attitude will give you an energy to drive that help you achieve goals in life.

Motivational quotes
The secret of being ahead is to initiate first.
Avoid stops like gossips and dramas on the road which leads to destination.
You have enough time and energy if you don’t waste time in caring what others think of you.

tie it to a goal, not to people
or things.- Albert Einstein.

Be adaptive to change.
Be compassionate rather than judgemental.
Never forget mistakes and failures.
However difficult life is but you can always do something and succeed.

It is better to use energy in resolving rather than complaining.
be really who you are.
A man without mistake is man without work.
If you think you can then you can but when you think you can’t then you can”t.