Beautiful and heart touching affirmations and positive quotes that keeps you motivated.
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Best affirmation quotes.

Step by step, you can reach to top.
We become what we repeatedly think.
Think what you would be; and then do what you have to do.
Believing in yourself is affirmation.
What you give to life, life gives back to you.
Your mind believes on what you tell to mind.
Your Words can change your life.
Your mind believes what hears repeatedly.
You worth something because you deserve something and not because of what people think or say about you.
Self analysis makes you master of yourself.

Your words can command if you choose them wisely.
Your thinking can change your life.
Repetition of the same affirmations leads to belief, and belief begin to happen.
Careful with fire is good but being careful with words is more important.
Change your words and condition will change.
Patience and perseverance are necessary in everything.
You know yourself than anyone else and you can make better suggestions to yourself than anyone else.
We are creating reality through language. If you say life is hard, then it will be hard.
Repetition, that controls your attitudes, beliefs, capabilities and emotions.
Positive thought and words are an affirmations which creates an exceptional life.
What you feed to brain determines your character and your personality.

Motivational affirmations:
If and but is the excuse of the loser; and I can is the answer of the winner.
Your life goes in depression when you rely on the affirmation and approval of others.
Affirmations are counter balance for negative events and thoughts in our mind.
Your thought and words are an affirmation. So choose positive.
Your mental diet determines you, your character, your personality and everything in life.
Confidence is the result of knowledge and acceptance of yourself, your strengths and your limitations
You will be great because you have positive qualities and not because of the absence of faults.
What you do is more important than what happens to you.
Thought come before action and feeling.
Words of faith are positive affirmations that brings spiritual inspiration.

Real beauty is indication of personality and confidence.
The quality of our life is the reflection of quality of our thoughts.
Affirmations can change our lives.
Affirmation and action together makes miracles.
Faith is a state of mind which is created by repeated affirmations.
Your mind will find the ways to do what you believe.
Remember your thoughts become your words, your words become your behavior, your behavior becomes your habits, your habits become your values and your values become your destiny.
You can not change peoples action with you, but you can change your reaction with people.
The positive thinker can see the invisible and achieves the impossible.
If you want to be sad, no one in the world can make you happy. But if you want to be happy, no one can take that happiness from you.
Remember, first learn the rules of the game. then game is yours.

Positive attitude quotes:
Success is the sum of repeated small efforts.
Happiness lies within your way of thinking and in yourself.
The secret of happiness: stay away from hate, stay away from worry. stay simple, expect little, give more, forget yourself, think of others.
For positive results replace negative thoughts with positive ones,
Positive thoughts make journey of your life more pleasurable.
Change your mind, change your life.
We are shaped by our thoughts; We become what we think.
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
Destiny is a matter of choice and not matter of chance.
people gives overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they really are.

Happiness is not a destination but a way of life.
Right attitude can change negative stress into a positive one.
Live this moment to the fullest because this moment will become past after some time.
The secret of success is always try one more time and never give up.
Today what you are, is what you do.
You are because of your decisions and not because of circumstances.
Spending life in own way is success.
You can not recover yesterday, but can design tomorrow.
Do not make someone your priority when you are only an option for someone.5s
Your real value is how much you worth if you lost all your money.
You can destroy your today by worrying about tomorrow.
Confidence is not being always right but from not fearing to be wrong.
A strong positive attitude will create miracles than any other remedies.

Beautiful positive quotes:
Remember, your opinion about the world may be a confession of your character.
Happiness is the spiritual experience that cannot be owned or earned.
Everyone has one precious thing, time, how you spend it is important and decide your future.
This moment will never come again but result of this moment will definitely come.
When you realize power of your thoughts, you will never think of a negative thoughts.
Problem take best out of you.
Most people who succeed in the life are one who don’t know how to quit.
Ambition is the path and persistence is the vehicle you ride.
It is the mind that makes yourself.
Negativity is basically laziness. It takes a lot of hard work to be positive, but positivity gives best results.

Only willing is not enough. Doing is important.
Whenever you fail learn something.
Real power requires for uplifting and not for suppressing anyone.
Energy and persistence are key to success.
You can not control how everyone acts with you but you can control how you reacts with everyone.
Defeat is a temporary situation but giving up make it permanent.
Yesterday never come back, Tomorrow you never know so live in today.
Rose bushes have thorns, or thorn bushes have roses, how you see makes difference.
If you don’t get what you want, think you don’t get that you don’t want.
Many times trouble comes because of saying yes to everything and saying no to nothing.
Nothing in this world lasts forever and this applies to motivation also.

Be happy with what you have; and you will get more but if you think about what you don’t have, you will never have enough.
The little difference is attitude and the big difference either it is positive or negative but this little difference makes a big difference.
To succeed, find out what motivate and inspire you.
You cannot wait until things becomes better but you have to be the best.
Life is not only finding yourself but creating yourself.
Maturity is postponing immediate pleasure for long-term achievements.
You are not living your dreams because you are living in your fears.
Things turn out best when you know the best way to turn out.
Do not let anyone to interfere with what you can do.
Most powerful magnet in this world is your thoughts which attracts or repels,
Opportunity lies In the middle of every difficulty.
The best way to live your dreams is to wake up.
Personal excellence is the key to win and succeed.
Everything is beautiful, but not everyone have the capacity to see it.
You hear and you forget. You see and you remember. You do and and you understand.
Be the architect of your future and not prisoner of your past.
Moving fast or slow does not matter as long as you do not stop.
Nothing is interesting unless you are not interested.
We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are.